Everything in this life happens for a reason.
God does not make mistakes or do trial and error business.
He does things with a purpose, with intent for it to bring out something that will prove that He is God and for His name to be glorified. When we are going through some things in our lives especially trying times, we tend to think that maybe it is sin that is present in our lives and so that is why things are not working out.
While this may be somewhat true, it is not the only reason why things are as they are. I started writing when I was sixteen years. I would write whatever inspiration I got, sometimes it would be songs, poems and other times short stories. I did not know what it was, I just knew I could write and writing I did! After three years the writing stopped and I tried doing it so many times but I could not.This was very frustrating to me and I could not understand what had happened to me.
For six years I questioned why I could not write as I used to ,I repented so many times, being spiritually immature, I thought that if I kept repenting maybe God would forgive me and restore the writing. My lifestyle was so busy that I had no time for God or His word, I was just a church goer. I would reminisce about the days I would write a song and people would applaud and I would feel good but then I had reached a place when that was no more, I spoke to God and told Him ;
“Lord, whether you give me the songs and the rest of the writing back or not I am committing my life to serve You till my last breathe.”
We usually ask God for things at times not understanding what we just asked for. So I committed to Him a thing I had never done before. It was the sixth year since I stopped writing but a time came in August 2012, when He released a new thing in me. One Sunday after church I sat down and started writing and since then I could not stop, but things did not come all at once, it was a gradual comeback.
The book of John 9:1-3 tells of a man who was born blind, all his life .His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered ,"Neither this man nor his parents sinned,but this happened that the works of God would be displayed in him."-John 9:1-3 In this life we go through so many things and we ask questions trying to understand whether it was our sins ,our parent’s or sibling’s or is it a curse? We have all sorts of things going on in our minds and even in the minds of those around us. God however , always has a grand plan in our lives that if we can only look up to Him in this times, then our unanswered questions will have answers and solutions to them.
If He has done it before then He will do it again. It is not about us but about Him. We normally think we are so gifted but it is to bring Him glory. From the healing of this blind man, we read in John 9:35-39 that he believed in Jesus and those who believe in Jesus are saved , “They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household.”(Acts 16:31)
When God takes glory through our lives there is a shift in us. Our lives are totally changed and as we try to understand God and how He does things ,our own wisdom fails us as no one can understand why and how God does things. ( Ecclesiastes 8:16-17). Just know that whatever it is you are going through now,there is a reason,sometimes you may not know the reason why but God knows . "The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.” (Deuteronomy 29:29). Take heart today that in the midst of the multitude of things that are happening to you there is a God and He takes care of those who put their trust in Him.