Doubt makes you question God and His goodness. It magnifies the present woes and sees only impossibilities. When a soul lives in doubt, the individual fails to trust others most especially God. The heart turns cold to God’s word and promises.
Doubt will trouble the heart with worry because human strength kicks in, but human strength is limited so things do not work out as expected. Doubt can be so toxic and due to unbelief, doors of opportunities closed. It does not end well. Sarah doubted God’s ability to give her a son in her old age and ends up giving her servant Haggai to her husband Abraham. The result is Ishmael who was not the promised son from God. The relationship between Sarah and Haggai changes because of the child Ishmael.
The enemy uses doubt to distract us by losing focus on God and we start looking at our problems. This gets us nowhere but in circles. The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness because of their unbelief. They doubted God each time things did not work out their way. God does not go by our timeline as we think. His ways are by far vastly different from ours Isaiah 55:8-9. It is beneficial for us to look to Him and wait on Him because He never fails.
Every believer goes through life’s tough times and unexpected life events but we are to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, Ephesians 6:10. The faith level of every believer needs to rise higher and higher through hearing the word of God and taking it in just like a child, Romans 10:17; Matthew 18:2-4. Our faith pleases God and moves Him to act on our behalf.
We need to put on the whole armour of God to overcome in this world, Ephesians 6:11-18. God remains to be God; we are the ones who need character adjustments as we walk with Him in faith.