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Put On Christ

Romans 13:14

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the desires of the flesh.

Times have changed, and we no longer live in a day without hearing or seeing something that will break our hearts or shake our heads in disapproval. The laws made today are enough to show which times we live in, the end times. 1 Chronicles 12:32 (KJV) talks about 'the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.' During this time, David the King was in hiding from Saul, and his army grew.

The presence of the sons of Issachar was an advantage for this army because they gave direction on the course of action to take. Knowledge of the times can be found in many ways, but there is a sure way for a believer of Christ Jesus. That way is to be in Him and Him in the believer; in other words, the secret to spiritual knowledge is to be one with Christ Jesus.

During the growth process in a child, they achieve a milestone, and one of the milestones is to imitate grownups. They play dress-ups by putting on their parents' clothes and will imitate their parents' actions. If a child puts on a too-big dress for them, they cannot be seen, and the only thing seen is the dress of the person on them. The same way applies to Romans 13:14 when we put on Christ like a garment by imitating Him. We need to have such a relationship with Christ that when people look at us, they see the light and glory of Christ, not us. Let us be careful not to take the glory that belongs to Him. He must increase, and we decrease John 3:30, and this will only happen when we start learning from Him by observing what He is doing (spiritual sight), feeding Him (reading His words in scriptures), and being in His presence where we meditate and listen to His instructions. All things can never happen until we let go of the desires of the flesh and follow Him all the way.

We belong to God because of the finished work of Christ on the cross, so we must strive every day to live according to the manual of heaven. When we fail to follow instructions, we will miss them, and that is why there is a manual of life (the word of God) that we need to follow.


Today let nothing that does not glorify God be found in us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. As we are His beloved children, Ephesians 5:1, let us live up to that position of sonship who know their times and identity. May the Spirit of God help us all to put on Christ and not entertain the pleasures of our flesh as we live according to the will of God daily in Jesus Christ. Amen

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