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Love Not Your Life

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. Rev 12:11

The blood of Jesus Christ holds great power and has never lost that power even today. When we plead the blood of Jesus Christ, it speaks on our behalf for sanctification, protection, healing, restoration, deliverance and opens doors that only God can open.

In these end times, we will have to stand in faith and not live cowardly. These are not times to fear but to stand strong and overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ. His blood is one of the voices that speak on our behalf in the courts of heaven.

The word of our testimony must point to Christ and His work on Calvary. We are to love God more than we do ourselves.  For us to overcome in these end times, we must love God above all else. Our lives are to be sold out to Christ, that even unto death, we still stand strong in our faith in Christ Jesus.

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