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How to overcome the battle in the Mind.

When God is at work to do a new thing in our lives, Satan is also at work trying to mess with our lives. In the realm of the supernatural, things are done differently from the natural realm. Before a thing in the natural manifests, it has already taken place in the supernatural. The timing is different too. So when God is at work for our good, Satan is also busy working out how we shall stay stagnant by interfering with our lives. One way he does that is interfering with our thoughts.This could be thoughts like;

"It is taking too long",

“You have been praying for a long time there is no hope"

"maybe it was not for you"

"you are not good enough"

During this time your response to these thoughts may determine the outcome of your breakthrough. We are told in Philippians 4:8,” Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such thing”. If we have thoughts that are godly then we will remain focused on God and our breakthrough will not be hindered by doubt that comes from having negative thoughts like the above, which Satan brings to dissuade us from our breakthrough.

The secret in overcoming these demoralizing thoughts is to use the word of God ,which is a powerful weapon. When we begin to read,meditate, decree and declare the word of God into our lives, then the thoughts from Satan are nullified.

I had a project I was working on and I was very excited since I had worked on it for nearly a year and I was on the verge of completion. I was making progress and as I looked forward to the great things that were to happen after the project was complete I rejoiced the more. So I got financially prepared and gave myself a deadline.

As I started finalizing my project, I realized there were other options and so I started checking them out and ended up paying for deals that were not right and so I had to cancel them that night. The next day I went back to the original provider and decided to stick to that provider but as I worked on my project, I realized all I had done for nearly a year was not enough and I started comparing my project with that of others and the thoughts started playing in my mind.

This put me down so much as I entertained this thoughts and this overwhelming feeling of hopelessness came over me. I then remembered a dream I had a few days prior to the day I started working on my project. The dream was about the delay in my life and the Father was warning me so that I can pray. Of course, I did not know the details of where Satan would attack but as I sat there thinking of my lack of progress on this project, that is when I remembered the dream.

Satan is a liar.Right there and then I rebuked that spirit of doom, the spirit of defeat, the spirit of stagnation, the spirit of delay. I felt better after that though I still had a lot of work left to do on my project but I was no longer discouraged by what I was facing. I took it as a challenge and I was determined to go all the way to complete what I had started.

Satan had tried to hinder my progress but he remained defeated as always. The word of God is so powerful and a very necessary weapon in battle. Any thought that is not glorifying to God is not worth entertaining. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Cor 10:5).

Next time Satan comes knocking, tell him he is not welcome neither is anything else he may be offering.

I thank God for helping me to overcome.He is always teaching us how to do that, if we take heed to what He is saying. As you read this may you be encouraged.The project I was working on is this website and figuring out the way forward in this ministry.He did it for me,I pray that He will do it for you too beyond your imagination.

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