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Writer's pictureMary Mwakalu


Some have taken to the belief that Jesus is to be celebrated on ‘Christmas Day’ only and the rest of the year He is nobody to them. Yes He was born of a virgin woman called Mary and then HE GREW UP “When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.”-Luke 2:49-40

This Jesus that is celebrated by some on Christmas is the Christ and He came to this world purposely for the saving of the souls of men but the people did not receive Him, they rejected Him as they are doing today. But some believed in Him and were saved. “He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.”

-Luke 1:10-13

‘God’s love for the humankind is still the same; He desires that man be reconciled to Him. His will is that man lives a sin free life, one that is led by Jesus Christ who through His dying on the cross gave salvation to all who believe in Him so they can live again.’-John 2:16.

This baby Jesus or myth as some are calling Him today, I want to tell you that He is neither a baby nor a myth. He is alive and real, grown man who is like no other man. His name is above all names and He is sitting at the right hand of God. Satan’s job is to deceive, lie, steal, kill and destroy and he is very good at doing that. Satan is a creation of God and no creation can be greater than the creator it is unheard of.May God help you to come out of the illusion that Satan is above God because he is not.

Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of my life as I know Him and others know Him that way as well, He is calling us to remember why He came to this world and not to spend Christmas Day in ignorance but reach out to a lost soul and share the gospel with them so they can know the mystery of God (Jesus Christ) and that only in God can one find salvation, peace, joy, security and rest for the soul.

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