The least one shall become a clan and the smallest one a mighty nation; I am the LORD; in its time I will hasten it. Isaiah 60:22
This is fruitfulness/multiplication and only the Lord God will do it. Many times we think it is our hard work or skill that gets us where we are or maybe fertility for those looking for children.This may be the case but there is no success if God has not willed it to happen.Nothing comes by accident in this life. There is a divine order of things. What we call accident is already known in the spirit realm and it is not what we perceive it to be with our human understanding.
Hannah was barren for a long time but scripture tells us that the Lord had closed her womb. She faced adversity from Peninnah who had no trouble with childbearing 1 Samuel 1:6. I believe the reason this happened is so that God can glorify Himself. This also happened with a certain man who was born blind in John 9:1-3,
“As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
In Hannah’s case, was her process under the Potter to bring out someone great. She then goes and prays a prayer that is answered which brings the first judge and prophet in Israel. 1 Samuel 1:12-16, 19-20. You may be reading this and you are going through a Hannah moment or like the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years. Yes, these may be situations in your life and they may seem like they will never end. I want to let you know that everything has an end on this earth.
Your time is coming when the Lord God will hasten His promises over your life. He never lies and will not start now. Just remain faithful on your end because He is faithful to those who are faithful. God bless you. That financial, child, opportunity or ministry barrenness can only have a breakthrough from the Lord. Submit your request today as Hannah did, He is able to redeem your life as He did to the Israelites in Isaiah 601:22 because He is the same God back then, today and tomorrow