The more I listen to the voice of God, the more I learn. Friend pay attention, God is always speaking in the most unusual ways and sometimes it is easy to miss His voice due to our logic. The book of 1 Kings 11:19-13 is an excellent example of the expectations of man. God was not in the ‘great and strong wind, neither was He in the earthquake that took place after the wind nor was He in the fire after the earthquake but instead, He spoke in a still small voice’, like a whisper. We often put God in a box of our logic and expect Him to do things according to our understanding, but we end up missing Him completely.
I spent one afternoon being very still trying to listen to God's voice, but things did not work out as expected. In my understanding, I expected the Lord to speak to me in an audible voice, not that He does not, but it was not the way He had chosen to speak to me on that day. I got out of the altar and decided to come back and not give up. The issue here is that I wanted Him to speak according to my way and that is in an audible voice, only to realize later that He had already spoken to me before I went to the altar and He continued to speak even when I got into the prayer room, and I did not understand.
Human logic is a limitation to hearing God or even breaking through to the spiritual realm. That afternoon I had a terrible numbness on my left leg from the hip going down, and it did not stop until night time. As I endured this discomfort, I decided to pray for healing and decided to call a loved one and share what I was feeling. She had the same symptoms, and I knew God led me to pray for her, which I did. Later my leg stopped feeling numb, and it was back to normal, and I called this family member again, and she said she felt better after the prayers.
God's ways are very different from our ways, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. (Isaiah, 55:8). We do not choose how He speaks to us; instead, it is Him who chooses the mode of communication and the vessel to whom He will use to relay the message. All we need is to draw nearer to Him, know Him and to stay tuned to His frequency.
Mary Mwakalu