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Come join God's Cherished Ones Ministries and let us discover together the gifts God has given us so that we do exploits and transform lives.

Worship art


It pleases God when we worship Him right. At God's Cherished Ones, we make it our lifestyle to worship the Lord with our all. One way we do this is through music.


It is our hope that you will join us and bring your unique self to worship and serve our God with us. If you have a passion to sing to the Lord or play an instrument, you are more than welcome to contact us on how you can join our praise and worship team, or if you are interested just press the button below.

GCO Kidz

We believe it is our duty as parents and leaders to create the space for our children to get the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We at God's Cherished Ones endeavour to do just that with GCO Kidz by;


  • Creating an environment where godly counsel is delivered.

  • Encouraging them to form godly relationships.

  • Helping them find their identity in Christ Jesus.

  • Equipping them with sound teaching of the word to help them grow in Christ Jesus.

Women Ministry
  • To raise women to the standard of God (Prov 1:7)

  • To equip women with the sound teaching of the scriptures for good works (2 Tim 3:16 - 17)

  • To be there for each other and exhort each other to live life victoriously (Hebrews 10:24 - 25)

Men's Ministry
  • To equip men to rise to God's stature of the man in family and community. (Ephesians 6:4: Titus 2:7)

  • To instil godly values that will help govern their places of influence. (Psalm 119:9 - 16; Proverbs 22:29)

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