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About Us

Why God's Cherished Ones?

God's Cherished Ones (GCO) is dedicated to proclaiming the profound truth that every individual is deeply loved by God the Father, who has provided humanity with the pathway to know Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior. Established in 2016, GCO stands as a ministry firmly rooted in the boundless love of God, passionately committed to reaching the unreached, both locally and globally, with the transformative message of God's Word.

Our mission is to tangibly demonstrate God's love through devoted service to Him and others while equipping believers and surrendering to the miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit through signs, wonders, and miracles. Our overarching vision is the profound transformation, restoration, and wholeness of lives in Christ Jesus.

Why God's Cherished Ones?

Our Mission

God’s Cherished Ones carries a prophetic mandate to impact the whole body of Christ through teaching God’s word. So beyond serving Christ in our local community, we are actively involved in initiatives that are directed towards global equipping of the saints to maturity (Eph 4:11-15).

Our Purpose


  • To lead the lost souls to the only Way (Jesus Christ) through the giving of the uncorrupted word of God.

  •  Help the broken to heal.

  • To reach out to those with no hope, those who know little or nothing about God and to those who do.     

What We Believe


  • We believe in the one true God, who exists in three Persons — God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is loving, holy and just.

  • We believe that sin has separated us all from God and that only through Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.

  • We believe that salvation is the gift of God to man. This gift is effected by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and is available to all willing to receive it.

  • We believe that water baptism is an outward act that demonstrates a believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He guides us in all areas of our lives. He also blesses us with spiritual gifts and empowers us to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

  • We believe that the Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus Christ’s death and our remembrance of Him as we wait in hope for His return.

  • We believe that God's will for us is to transform, heal and prosper us so that, we can live blessed and victorious lives that will impact and help others.

  • We believe that we are called to preach the gospel to all nations and make disciples of all nations

  • We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He promised

 Our Leaders

Pastor Mary and Lumumba Mwakalu

Pastor Mary and Lumumba Mwakalu stand as the visionary Founders and Senior leaders of God's Cherished Ones. With a rich history of leadership in various ministry capacities, they bring a wealth of diverse gifts and skills, enabling them to serve God's purpose both locally and globally.

Their primary aim is to embody God's love through dedicated service to Him and humanity while empowering believers and yielding to the Holy Spirit's manifestation through signs, wonders, and miracles. Their overarching vision is the transformation, restoration, and wholeness of lives in Christ Jesus.

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